Friday, February 1, 2008

HOW SAD!!!!! :(

Miley Cyrus is going bad , on youtube there is pic of her that leaked onto myspace and its like the vanessa anne hudgens pics only not as BAD but still , :( soooo sad she is like going evil


Anonymous said...

they are in their bikinis.

dont hate the player hate the game said...

: ( ummm idk if this is true but i heard that she might go to J serra next year !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg thats what everyone is saying!!

Melanie said...

they also said she was going to New Heart this year witch didnt happen and that she was moving to coto witch also didnt happen so i dont think so pluse she is 15 so she would b 16 next year and a junior or w.e so that would b kinda pointless and her home town is in tenessee so wouldnt she go there first ??

Anonymous said...

ya. its a rumor.


Melanie said...

ya lol we have to many rumors in this world least bout her

allie baba :] said...

omg i just watched those videos
thats so sad that she is going bad
i thought she was going to be the good person that i could look up to but i guess not :( (:( stupid miley cyrus

dont hate the player hate the game said...

srry bout that allie

its just wat everybody told me at my school and my friends dad started the school and he said the she alppied there so ya

but i dont think she will


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